pregnancy due date

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Right on time...

Well, Chris and I had another doctor's appointment yesterday for our little one. We got to hear the heartbeat again and I got to ask a lot of questions (like I always do, haha). The heartbeat was a 148 bpm so we'll see in another 2-3 weeks if that means it's really a girl or not!

I kept reading that at around 16 weeks I may feel the baby kick and start to move around. Of course I told the doctor I haven't felt anything yet and I'm anxious to feel it, but later yesterday evening while I was taking a Math test, I felt it! At first I thought my phone was in my shirt on vibrate, but it definitely was not since I saw it in my purse (and why would it be in my shirt anyway?). It happened a few more times last night, but only while I was in Math class. Either our baby is pretty enthusiastic about Math like Chris or they hate it and were trying to escape like me. Haha. The only thing that made me anxious about it moving was that I was stuck in Math and couldn't enjoy it moving for the first time at home with Chris.

Speaking of firsts, today while at Walmart looking for stretchy pants (ughh) I migrated over to the baby section and found the cutest stuffed Piglet and had to get it. I have officially bought our baby their first stuffed animal. By the way, I never did buy any pants for myself haha.

I'm going to take a nap for now. I can't wait to feel our little jumping bean again!

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